United Methodist Women
The history of United Methodist Women goes back to 1869 when eight women in Boston formed the Women's Foreign Missionary Society to meet the needs of women and children.
Today more than one million other women, including the members of United Methodist Women of this congregation, continue this heritage of service to others. United Methodist Women is an organized group of women to work under the direction, authority and example of Jesus Christ, for the continuing humanization of God's world, mobilizers for the resources of women, and active participants in the global mission of the church.
We support mission projects - local, national and around the world - with our love, gifts and prayers. We try to support our women with fellowship in times of difficulty and loneliness. We try to become whole persons through reading, study and prayers. If we were to sum up our purpose, we would say "Mission is our reason for being!" A United Methodist Woman is a dreamer or worker, dreaming great dreams for her children, her church and her country, and working to make those dreams comes true. She's a link with the past, a powerful force in the present and an investment in the future. General meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month alternating between days and evenings. Small groups meet at various times during the month.
Nicole Cessna is the current President. There is a teen group in our UMW called the "Teen Angels" which meets on a regular basis. They participate in the mission of UMW with special projects. One of their ministries is to adopt some of our home bound members as "grandparents".