The Mission of Levy United Methodist Church
Our Mission is to welcome all people to the family of God so that together we may share in the Grace of Jesus Christ, nurture one another in the faith, and live as disciples who love and serve Jesus Christ and make a difference in our community and the world.
The Vision of Levy United Methodist Church
The vision of the Levy United Methodist Church is to become a family of God with a passion for bringing people to Jesus Christ, providing an environment for personal and spiritual growth, and sending disciples into the world to serve and share the Good News.
We Will Live Into Our Vision . . .
. . . by becoming a "saving station" where love abides and all God's children can find healing, wholeness and safety. We shall offer Christ as Savior to God's people, to the community and to God's world. We shall be a center of fellowship where our people feel included, loved and valued - a place where everybody knows your name! We shall create a variety of programs of ministry and healing for young, old, men, women, boys, girls, married, single, senior citizens, persons with handicapping conditions, and persons who are hurting - - ALL God's children.
. . . by becoming an "equipping and sending station" where we will equip persons for ministry and send them out into our community for mission and ministry.
. . . by becoming an "empowering station" by offering vital and exciting opportunities for worship and learning, primarily through Bible study, and Sunday School.
. . . by becoming a "community outreach station" by offering programs for youth groups, scouting groups, community agencies and groups, medical and social issue recovery groups, and assistance for those with immediate survival needs. Committed to being peacemakers among individuals, families, communities and nations, we shall serve as agents of change in keeping with Biblical values and the Wesleyan tradition.
. . . by offering adequate buildings and equipment to facilitate all of these ministries and programs.